On Wednesday evening during my teaching session while we were eating dinner together, I remembered what my husband had told me about R.  R has been coming to the Wednesday night gathering regularly but a couple of months ago he went overseas, back home, to see his family.  R had mentioned to my husband that ever since he’s back from the trip, he has been having problems continuously non-stop from problem with his car, problem with his job, and something that does not make sense compares to the past time prior going overseas which causing him in financial hardship.  So I decided to do something different that night.  I told everyone for silent time and not to talk because I was going to turn on advice to djinn audio.  I used my iPod and turned on that audio.  Some were sitting on the dining table’s chairs, some on the carpet on the floor, and R and few others were sitting on the sofa.  Just after a minutes or two the audio was on, I noticed R started to get possessed and the others have no reactions at all.  Two of my females students were in the kitchen, so I went to the kitchen to tell them to get me a plastic bag and to peel a garlic and cut the garlic into a few pieces.
By the time I went back to the living room, R’s body and head was swinging in a slow motion, his eyes were dim and unconscious but he was still in a sitting position on the couch.  I went close to R to try to communicate but it was refused talking instead was shaking his head as if didn’t want to answer or didn’t know.  I asked my other students to help me to take R to the carpet on the floor so there were a few guys carried R down.
It took a while until finally the jinn inside R’s body talk.  To make a long story short, there were three (3) jinns took syahada and left R’s body.  After the 3rd jinn left, R back conscious and said he felt lighter.
On Thursday February 13, 2020 at 4:35 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Just wanted to follow up with you after last night Ruqyah.
1.  How was your sleeping last night?
2.  Any unusual thing you experienced from last night to now other than your body felt lighter?
Thank you
At 4:50 PM – R wrote:
“Terima kasih tante udah mau menolong saya.
Emang badan and pikiran saya terasa lebih light.
Tapi semalam saya gak bisa tidur pulas. Saya kebangun beberapa kali karena mimpi buruk. Didalam mimpi itu saya didatangin orang orang yg gak senang karena saya merasa baikan. Seperti orang orang itu akan mencoba untuk mengulangin perbuatannya
Seharian saya jadi kepikiran. Badan saya jadi lemas.”
At 5:02 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok I am going to give you the link for you to listen too but don’t listen to it while driving or in a moving vehicle.  The 3 the one left your body last night InsyaAllah will not return to you or bothering you.  But we don’t know if there was some left because it’s burning and return to sender reporting that it’s been kicked out of your body.  But don’t worry ask Allah to help you and listen to the audio I am going to send you.  Take a wudu, sit facing the kiblat then listen to it.  Let me know what reaction you have while listening.
At 5:03 PM – R wrote:
“Makasih tante”
At 5:04 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
There are 3 links there.  Listen to the first link and let me know what reaction you have
At 5:08 PM – R wrote:
“The first link?”
At 5:09 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Yes advice to djin
At 5:36 PM – R wrote:
“Udah hampir 30 minutes I listened to the “Advice to Djin”, I don’t get any unusual reaction.  Apakah Jin yg didalam badan saya udah benar benar pergi??
At 5:48 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Most likely.  The one that bothered you last night was on the outside but it’s good to listen everyday if you can at least until next Wednesday.  Can you turn on surat AlBaqarah low volume let it play while you sleep very low volume so it does not destruct your rest.
At 5;50 PM – R wrote:
“I will do that
Thank you tante”
On Wednesday February 19, 2020 approximately between 9:30 & 10 PM after the teaching Qur’an and did the last pray of the day, I did follow up ruqyah on R.  Shortly after I started, R started to possessed.  Alhamdulillah first one jinn came up and even at first the jinn refused to recite the syahadat and refuse cooperating, after my lecture about Allah and the hell fire for doing unjust to some one, the jinn agreed to take syahadat.  The jinn had no faith and had no name but after recited the syahadat, the jinn wanted to be called Abdullah.  I then asked jinn Abdullah if there were other jinn other than him in R’s body, and jinn Abdullah said yes and lot of them.  When I asked jinn Abdullah who was the leader jinn and he said he didn’t know, so I told jinn Abdullah that he be the lead and to tell other jinns to take syahadat.  Jinn Abdullah said when he asked other jinn to take syahadat, there were four jinns left but the rest did recite syahadat.  When I asked jinn Abdullah to check if there is black magic to destroy before the jinns leaving R’s body, jinn Abdullah said none.  I think because a week ago during the first ruqyah session before the jinn left the jinn destroyed the magic.  Alhamdulillah they all left R’s body.
The next day, on Thursday evening, February 20, 2020 at 8:54 PM I sent text message to R:
How was your sleep last night?
At 8:55 PM – R wrote:
“Alhamdulillah tante, saya langsung tertidur nyenyak.  And feel so much better and light in the morning.”
At 8: 56 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Alhamdulillah.  I suggest for you to turn on surah AlBaqarah low volume at home very low so it wouldn’t bother your sleep and do this at least a week.
At 9:03 PM – R wrote:
“Okay tante.  I’ll do that.”