Exorcism 83 – Hy in Delaware
“Asselamualikum – H how are you doing? I told my niece my experience with you & she wants to do Reqyah her name is Hy her number is (302) 000-0000. Is it ok if I give her your number or you call him. Let me know.” Thank you. Submitted by A (Q & A 404 on Thursday January 7, 2021 at 4:40 PM
On Thursday January 7, 2021 at 8:37 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum Hy, I got your phone number from your auntie who lives in Texas that you would like to have Ruqyah done on you. My name is Tante H. Can you tell me why you think you need to have Ruqyah done? InsyaAllah I will help you. Wassalam
Hy wrote:
“Walikum Musalam
My daughter born Hana suffers from extreme anxiety, depression, body dysphoria (hatred of self extreme discomfort and pain with being a girl and is on spectrum of autism. Currently living life as a boy. She is 17. I am willing to try anything that would help my child. A told me about you and I was like why not. Allah’s word is medicine and it will not hurt me to try. That is my story in a nutshell.” Hy
ruqyah.net wrote:
Where do you live? We can try to do it tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM my time in California InsyaAllah.
I don’t know how much your auntie told you about me, I don’t know how to cure or diagnose. I do ruqyah by reciting verses of Qur’an and if the patient is possessed some time I do talk to the jinn through the patient’s mouth. I can not see jinn either. Subhanallah when I do recite if the person has something, the person would reacted. Wassalam
On Friday January 8, 2021 – 1:30 PM – First ruqyah session done. Throughout the session neither HY nor her daughter have any reaction. When I was done, her daughter said she did feel lighter and feel relax. Alhamdulillah
I suggest Hy to turn on the “advice to Djinn” audio (the link below) everyday in the next few days and let me know what reaction or how they feel after listening to it.
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