Exorcism 92 – N’s family in Milpitas

On Thursday June 24, 2021 my patient D (exorcism 89) told me about her friend N.  From word of mouth N asked D if she can ask me to help N’s family.

On Friday June 25, 2021 – ruqyah on N’s daughter V was done.  Jinn Michael came out and talked to me.  According to jinn Michael, he entered V’s body about three (30) months ago because V was empty, never pray and since jinn Michael likes her, so he entered her body.  Alhamdulillah after I lectured about why God created jinn for and about islam, jinn Michael agreed to recite syahada then leave W’s body.

On Friday June 25, 2021 – ruqyah on N’s husband K was done.  Jinn David came out and talked to me.  According to jinn David, he is 1000 years old and was upset angry to K because K was throwing rocks at jinn David.  I believe K was hiking in the forest and while hiking, he throwing rocks for no reason not knowing there was jinn in that forest.  So I told jinn David that on behalf of K, I apologize for throwing rocks at him, because we can not see jinn, and K must have not recited bismillah or any other verse before throwing rocks doing it for fun while hiking.  Jinn David agreed to recite syahada then he left K’s body.

On Friday July 2, 2021 – ruqyah on N’s son P was done.  Subhanallah at first jinn Mike came out and talked to me.  He said that he entered P long time ago because P was empty and no God.  So I told jinn Mike that regardless P was empty, never doing zika or pray, jinn Mike has no right to enter any human’s body.  I further told him that God created jinn to worship Him, and not supposed to mingled up with human being.  So I asked was there any other jinn other than jinn Mike, and he said yes they were five (5) in P.  So I told jinn Mike that I needed to talk to other jinn.  Shortly after that another jinn came out, his name was jinn Christopher.  I gave the same lecture to jinn Christopher and both jinn Mike and jinn Christopher agreed to recite syahada, then leave P’s body.



Posted on June 24, 2021 at 7:00 am

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