
This patient was a victim of black magic. He suffered from many years of depression, fatigue, inability to work, sleep, and much more. He is now cured and able to live a normal life.

Q & A 403 – From S in Pretoria, South Africa

“Sleepless night,anxiety attack,miscarriage.  Assalaamu alaykum I need ruqya for the following fertility,miscarriage,anxiety attack,evil spirit sleepless night,etc and cleansing”  Submitted on Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 4:03 AM On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:34:44 AM PST – ruqyah.net wrote: Waalaikumussalam S, where do you live?  Wassalam On Tuesday, November 10, 2020,...

Q & A 402 – From N & N for their family member X

“Jinn Possession and Sihr induced Black Magic.  Hi there! … Greeting’s … The reason of us being in here has a deeper reason and meaning as we need help for one of our family members who is suffering in our opinion from powers that are not worldly and not curable...

Q & A 401 – From AD in Baltimore

“Roqya.  Is it about my son”  Submitted on Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 7:43 PM On Monday, November 2, 2020, 09:03:53 PM PST – ruqyah.net wrote: Where do you live?  Why do you think ruqyah needs to be done on your son?  Wassalam On Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:00:37 AM...

Q & A 400 – From S in KSA (Khobar)

“i need a raqi”  Submited on 2020/10/20 at 11:52 am On Thursday, October 22, 2020, 11:31:39 AM PDT – ruqyah.net wrote: Assalamualaikum, where do you live?  Can you tell me what problem are you having?  Wassalam On October 22, 2020, 12:37:58 PM PDT – S wrote: Assalam alaikum wrwb, I’m...

Q & E 399 – From Angie in Tennessee

“Exorcism.  Hello, I think I might be possessed with satan, a jinn, or a demon, I am not sure. I am not Muslim but my mom and step-dad are and suggested I try to get an exorcism. Can you please help get rid of the evil in me?”  Submitted on...