Q & A 166 – From S – in Mauritius
“Jinn. can jinn do something for you” Submitted on Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 5:53 AM
On Saturday, April 5, 2014 2:12 AM – ruqya.net wrote:
What you mean S? We are not supposed to ask jinn to do something for us. Wassalam
On Saturday, April 5, 2014 12:53 PM – S wrote:
“Dear brother H,
Thanks for your mail,
is rukya permisible in islam?
Thanks –Â S”
On Saturday, April 5, 2014 5:39 PM – ruqyah.net
Yes, it is in the haditz and insyaAllah it is permissible in Islam because what we do is only by reciting verses of qur’an and Allah swt who cures the sick. Wassalam
On Sunday, April 6, 2014 3:25 AM – SÂ wrote:
“Dear H,  can i have you skype addr,where i can explain clearly on what i am facing my problem.  i am running many place to national and international,but invain. i have only one problem, when i looking for a job or an interview.i feel bad or sick this day or i forget the day.  several time when i get interview,the boss accept me and he tell me to wait a call or a letter acceptable. each time same problem.  tell what is the problem?  Thanks – S”
On Sun, 6 Apr 2014 04:08:58 -0700 (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia time) – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum S, unfortunately I am in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia right now and I am busy with my family everyday before I go back to the US. I bcc my student Sd and I will ask him to contact you perhaps you can explain your situation to him. Where do you live S?
Sd, in three days my husband and I are going back to the States. Alhamdulillah our umroh was good with no problem at all even when my husband and I did the tawaf wada, Alhamdulillah we both not only touching the Ka’bah, we also spent a few minutes right standing in front of the Ka’bah while our hands touching the Ka’bah and made doa’. Sd, can you contact S for me? Thank you.  Wassalam
On Sunday, April 6, 2014 11:46 AM (California time) – My student Sd wrote:
“Hi S, My name’s Sd; a student of H’s. Could you please let me know where you live and what is the problem you are seeking ruqyah for? Thank you, Sd”
On Mon, 7 Apr 2014 23:46:41 +0400 – S wrote:
Dear brother Sd,
Hope you are well. Insha Allah i pray to Allah you will go to Umrah in the next time.
Brother Sd.i will mail you and if you want any question personal or professional,you can call or mail me for any question.
Sister h, it is a good new for me that you and your family in the holy land,where all du’a are accepted.
Please do many du’a for me.
Name :-S
Family:-Two children(5 and 6)
Brother Sd,
several time i apply for a job and some time a get interview and some time i not receive interview. several time i meet the chairman or the personal manager for interview and the accept for the post.but the tell me to wait for a letter or for a call to enter. if time ,same thing. i go to several rukqua man to explain the problem but nobody can do something for me.  some sheik, comming from different country come to mauritius and i got an appointment and the read on me but in vain.  but all the raqui tell me one thing.there is a evel from me only for job. i very happy with my family,but one thing ,i have not job. many friend give me a job in there company but i have no courage to go.  my friend is a counselling with a minister,he try many for me to have a job. now i am waiting a good responce from three company. easy time when i call then,the tell next month.  please i know ,i have a bad evel on me.  Please make may du”a for me isha Allah.
Dear Sister h, you not far from kaaba,please do a special du’a for Me.. Awaiting a good reply from your side.  Please do not hesitate to contacte me if you want any question.  Thanks – SALAAM – S”
On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:26 PM – S wrote:
Dear H and Sd,
Please, Help to make du’a for me and ruqya. my problem is that i have all requirement to get a job, but with no valid reason, each of his tries fail. The job may be promised, due or guaranteed but something will happen so it does not work, or I face a lack of energy or ambition.Â
Please send me something to me. Thanks. S
MOB:Â – 00000000000
 On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 3:42 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
S, I do believe there is something that prevent you from getting a job but what ever it is, Allah swt allows it so it is also a test from Allah swt on you. S, my husband and I went through a hard time on our first 31 years marriage and what I srongly believe that we are still together and we were not bankrupt then was because we read Sura AlWaqiah (S.56) and Sura Wadduha (S.93) 7X every morning after Fajar prayer, we recite over and over “Ya Kariim Ya Waduud” throughout each day, read Yasiin (S.36) and the last two ayats of Sura AlBaqarah (S.2/ayat 285 & 286) every night and the Asmaul Husna the last few ayats of Sura AlHisyir (S.59/ayat 20 to the end ayat 24) every day. Only Allah swt knows our financial struggled during that time and again, I strongly believe those readings and dzikir constantly in our heart and did the night prayer helped us tremendously to beat against the odds. After 31 years, Subhanallah and thanks to Allah swt that I love reading Qur’an, teaching Qur’an (I have been teaching Qur’an since 1980 until now) and reading haditz. I have several haditz Bukhari & Muslim books and the Al-Bayan CD contents of Haditz Bukhari & Muslim so one day I came accross reading about ruqyah and Alhamdulillah Allah swt guide me to seek help because when I was reading that version about ruqyah, I was becoming so eager to find out which ended up having the ruqyah done on me. My husband and I went overseas to have the ruqyah done on us. I documented my autobiography with the intention of educating others whom may have experience the same to leave everything to Allah swt and be sabaar (patient) at the same time we do our job by trying to get closer and closer to Allah swt. Regardless how bad the situation is, Allah swt can turn the situation around Kun Fayakun. Do not get restless or discourage because you can’t find a job believe me I do know how you feel – we went through it – as one of my nephews who read my book said that going forward any problem I am going to face is going to be nothing because he does not think one can get any worst than what my husband and I went through. I am the author of Voodoo: From Victim to Exorcist; my unfortunately true story.
S, what you can do other than reading all the above suras also do ruqyah by listening to the audio “verses of quran” available on ruqyah.net. Here is the instruction:
On ruqyah.net, go to prayer then click the link to listen to verses of qur’an
Before you are turning the audio, take a wudu (the cleaning/washing before you pray) Turn on the audio and put it high volume
Sit down and do not do anything else just listen to the audio.
Do not listen to the audio in a moving vehicle or while you are driving
Pay attention to what reaction you may have when listening to the audio
Believe in Allah swt that if there is any sickness, anything bad (evil eye etc) in your body, He will cure you.
Some of the reactions are: You become dizzy, something moving up and down inside your body, feet, hands, crying or feeling irritated and want to stop listening to the audio. There is no power stronger than the power of Allah swt so InsyaAllah by listening to the audio you will feel much better. You can turn on this audio as much or as often as you like.
If you have reaction, you can try to talk to the jinn telling the jinn that what he/she is doing (living or staying in your body) is dzolim (unjust) and by doing so Allah swt will put him/her in the hell fire for the rest of his/her lives and you are here to talk to him/her to help him/her to leave your body. Tell the jinn that if he/she is not leaving you alone or not leave your body, you will keep on listening to the audio to burn him/her.
By the way, one of the individuals who contacted ruqyah.net sent the below information and I am forwarding it to you which I hope it will help you too.
“Subject: Watch “رقية تنزيل الجني المتمركز بالرأس” on YouTube
Asalam alikoum brother yahya, Thank you very much for your quick reply and your sincere advise hamdomullah I was listening to that ruqya verses and others but something happened to me I thought I’ll share it with you inchallah as I was searching for ruqya through the internet I came across this ruqya which I have sent you the link above subhanallah I liked the title of it Made me curious it says(ruqya to make the Jin drops from the head) it is not long only 12 min but the verses in it very strong machallah as I was listening in 4th min I started vomiting and I felt something is happening and I carried on with it for several times hamdomullah I feel better already I thought I share this blessed ruqya with you inchallah after you listen to it and see it is a propper ruqya you can put it in your web that others can benefit from like I did and inchallah you will have adjer Addim. Once again brother jazak Allah Kul khier for everything that you are doing for Muslims. M.”
Good luck and keep me posted OK. Wassalam
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