Q & A 255 – MH in Bangladesh

“Conduct ruqya over a Muslim brother.  Assalamualaikum Sheikh, May Allah bless you with good health so that you can continue to do this monumental task of healing which is so common in the society today. However, there’s someone in my family who we suspect is possessed by a jinn. And this has led to a lot of problems and mental stress to the rest of us family members. Therefore, I want to discuss this issue with you more so that you can provide me with a solution. Jazakallahu khairan Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu”  Submitted on Nov 1, 2015 2:15 AM

On Sunday, November 1, 2015 12:33 PM, ruqyah.net wrote:
Waalaikumussalam MH, Where is you family live?  Wassalam
On Sunday, November 1, 2015 5:29 PM, MH wrote:

Assalamualaikum akhie,  My family currently lives in Bangladesh, in chittagong city.

Jazakallahu khairan for the reply.

On Monday, November 2, 2015 2:09 PM, ruqyah.net wrote:
Waalaikumussalam MH, insyaAllah you can help your family yourself.  We are in the US and the only way we perform ruqyah is by reciting verses of Qur’an out loud on the person and the cure is directly from Allah swt.  It depends on the severity of the problem so some time it is very easy with only one session of 1/2 hour Allah cures my patience and the patience did not have any reaction at all during the entire time listening the recitation but some time it requires many follow up and some of the reactions were trying to fight with me, bite me and refusing to talk to me, some were crying and shaking.  The reason I am telling you this is so you are aware of the reaction when you are helping your family.  If you can not find any raqi who can help you family in chittagong city or nearby cities in Bangladesh, try to do it yourself by following the instruction below.
Here is the instruction for you to do:
1.  You take wudu (to do the cleansing prior to pray), pray two-rakaat sunnah and make a doa by communicating directly to Allah swt telling Him of your intention.  Ask Allah swt to cure your family and to give you strength to help your family.There is no other power stronger than the power of Allah swt so you can do this to help your family OK.
2.  When you are ready to do it, tell your family to take wudu then have him/her to sit down facing the kiblat.  Before you start, you and your family to make doa asking Allah swt to cure you family and to always guide you and your family.
3.  Go to ruqyah.net then go to “prayer” to listen to the audio.  DO NOT listen to the audio in a moving vehicle or when you are driving.  Have your family sit down not to do anything and you are to observe what reaction he/she may have.
4.  There are three links in blue (advice to Djinn, ruqyah to burn Djinn and verses of Qur’an).  First click the advice to Djinn and listen to it until finish.  This is the lecture to Djinn which hopefully if your family’s problem is not severe, insyaAllah the Djinn will leave right away.  However, if the Djinn is stubborn, you may need to burn them. 

5.  Not everyone has the same reaction even when they are listening to the same audios.  If you family started to get angry to you, or start to cry, or shaking, this is good insyaAllah it will be easier for you to do.  start to try to communicate just like we communicate with another person.  You may want to ask the following:
    a.  Assalamualaikum if refuse replying back to you, repeat saying “assalamualaikum” a few times.
    b.  If the jinn response back to you, start having conversation and the following is some of the example for you
        (1). What is your name?
        (2)  How many are you inside this person’s body
        (3)  How long you have been in this body
        (4)  How you enter into this body
        (5) what is your job in this body?
    c.  Lecture them that Allah created them to worship Allah swt
6.  Tell the jinn to leave your family body and not to return by first have all jinns to come up.  If there are more than one jinn, ask to talk to the leader Ass ti talk to the leader and tell the leader to tell all the jinn inside your family family to come up to repeat after you and you start recite syahada 3 times for the jinn to repeate each time then takbir “Allahu Akbar” 3X and for the jinn to repeat after you too then lecture the jinn that if they continue stay in your family’s body is dzolim and Allah will punish them in the hell fire so encourage them to leave (for all of them) to leave your family body.  Tell them to say Assalamualaikum before leaving your family body.
7.  Do not afraid and do not have any doubt that Allah will help you. 
8.  If the jinn if stubborn and does not want to communicate with you, turn on the other audio, the ruqyah to burn Djinn.  This is a very big file so it will take a while for the audio to start after clicking the link.  It takes approximately two hours to finish. 

I know you can do this so don’t have any doubt and believe that Allah swt will cure your family.  You may need to do the same a few times.  InsyaAllah you family will be cured.  Please let me know what reaction you have and keep me posted OK. 

On Monday, November 2, 2015 2:17 PM (Bangladesh time) , MH wrote:

Walaikumassalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu akhie,

Jazakallahu khairan for ur advice and Inshallah I will start working on it. May Allah cure him from this disease, Ameen.



Posted on November 1, 2015 at 12:33 pm

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