“Assalamalaikum, dear brother may ALLAH bless you, and your family, from last 5 years I am sick with different deases, our whole family have the same situation, fighting, deases job less, money lost etc etc.my father is very sick too. His name is U. For ALLAH sack do our jinn cacthing in shaa ALLAH , MY ( Our) One and alone LORD ALLAH will give you big reward, I swear by ALLAH That I am jobless and I dont have money and day by day increasing loan on me, plz do ruqyah for me and my family . My whatsap 092 0000000000” Submitted on June 30, 2019
On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, 2:21:52 PM PDT – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum M, as much as we really wanted to help others by performing ruqyah with jinn catching method, we did help many in the past, but we have to discontinue jinn catching way because it is not easy to find the person who is willing to help to be the mediator. My advice is for you to start listening to the audio “advice to djinn” available on ruqyah.net. Since you said the whole family effected, have everyone to take wudu, to sit down facing the kiblat (the direction of prayer) then turn on the audio for everyone to listen. Pay attention to what reaction you or others in the family may have. Let me know OK. Insyaa Allah we will help you to go through this and hope Allah swt cure you and your family soon.
The audio, “Advice to Djinn” has helped many people who contacted me by turning on the audio and following the instruction below, insyaAllah Allah swt will help you too. Do not listen to these audio in a moving vehicle.
1. Take a wudu (the cleaning before we pray)
2. You sit down facing the kiblat (the direction of prayer), turning on the audio (advice to djinn) and listen to it until the end. Put medium or high volume but do not listen to it in the moving vehicle.
3. Pay attention to your body, feet, hands, head and thought
4. If there is a numbness or you feel anything while listening, be strong and talk to the jinn as if you are talking to a person and say “I know you are in my body, please get out and not to return to any human being.” You can say anything else similar to this with the intention to talk to the jinn to get out. You can also hitting slowly the part of your body that has the reaction if any while you are talking to make the jinn to get out. Tell the jinn that if the jinn is being stubborn, you will burn them. Then you can turn on the second audio (ruqyah to burn)

Advice to djinn

Ruqyah to burn Djinn

Verses of the Quran
5. You can do this as many time as you can and let me know what reaction you have while listening. InsyaAllah Allah will cure your problem.
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