Q & A 422 – From I in Ranco Cardavo

On Sunday December 5, 2021 – First time ruqyah done on I and G.
I did ruqyah on G first.  Luckily both I and G are the type of patients who get possessed easily so shortly after I recited verses of Qur’an, G was possessed but the bad part was each time I questioned the jinn, the jinn kept on screaming very loud and even her mother thinks that it was not G’s voice.  Very very loud so I am afraid the neighbor would call the police to check so I stopped.  The strange thing was also happened during the ruqyah session, while G was screaming, suddenly there was door bell ringing so G’s mother went to the door to check and there was no one there.  They did not expect anyone to stop by so I was so sure there must be the neighbor did it to check or the police if the neighbor called the police to check.  It was too risky for me to continue so I stop.
G and I are my former patients a few years ago but at that time, (Alhamdulillah according to the mother I, they both have been good after the last ruqyah a few years ago but now they were being attacked again), based on my experience in the past, G who was the one getting possess easily so a few years ago when I did ruqyah on G, I used I to be the mediator so that is the good thing if I need to I may use G’s mother, I, to ruqyah G but I tried to do ruqyah directly on G first and it was in a way she was good, she get possessed but because the jinn kept on screaming out loud, I stopped and told them to be safe, I would use G as the mediator.

Actually I also had problem when I did ruqyah on G using her mother as the mediator when the jinn from G was in the mediator, G was also possessed and when I was trying to communicate with the jinn the one in the mediator, G kept on interfering and kept on saying there were syaitan in the mediator’s body etc., even after I did my best to convince the one in G to stop talking or interfering, the jinn the one in G was kept on talking.  So I stopped the session then when both regained conscious I told G’s mother about my other patient SS whom I have been working with since October 2020 to help doing ruquyah of patients who can’t get possessed and Alhamdulillah there are a few patients so far whom I did ruqyah using mediator SS are now good, Allah s.w.t. cured them, MasyaAllah.  One of them was recorded on this site under Q & A 412 so G agreed to start doing ruqyah on them using the mediator SS.  Off course even though I do ruqyah ‎لله تعالى and all donations I accepted is to be donated for the charity and the orphanages in my home country, but by using the mediator the patient needs to be charged to compensate the mediator’s time and she agreed.

I called SS and asked her if she can help me and she said yes so I did ruqyah on both G and I using the mediator SS and Alhamdulillah through mediator SS there were jinns left both G and I’s bodies.

On Thursday December 2, 2021 at 4:10 PM – I wrote:  “Salam Tante, Mudah mudahan Tante sehat sehat saja.  Anak I di gangu lagi  ini rekaman audio nya sewaktu anak ku tidur di rumah nya.  Semalam juga anak ku di ganggu.  Tapi untung nya I nginap di rumah nya:  Kalau bisa anak ku G di ruqyah beserta rumah nya trima kasah sekali.  G hanya bisa hart Minggu sebab dia kerja.  Terima kasih Tante!

Ini rekaman audio G sewaktu dia tidur dan ada kedengaran suara laki laki di audio ini.”

At 4:13 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

InsyaAllah sekarang tante lagi ngeruqyah nanti tante kabarin ya.  InsyaAllah Allah will cure her.

At 4:13 PM – I wrote:

“Terimakasih banyak tante ?”

On Thursday December 2, 2021 at 9:53 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
InsyaAllah I can stop by this Sunday during the day.
I wrote:
“That would be wonderful Tante H.  Thank you so much.”
ruqyah.net wrote:
No problem, glad to help.
On Thursday December 9, 2021 – Second time ruqyah done on I and G.
Alhamdulillah jinn Amur left I and jinn Laila left G’s body.  According both jinn Amur and jinn Laila, they were sent to them two years ago.  There is a guy who wanted to marry I and his reason doing it to I’s daughter G was to persuade her convincing her mother to marry the guy.
On Monday December 13, 2021 – Third time ruqyah done on I and G.
When the ruqyah was done on I, jinn Bisma came out and talked to me.  According to jinn Bisma, he was sent two years ago.  Jinn Bisma was not the boss so I told him to call the boss to talk to me which he did.  The boss jinn, jinn Karim, was also said that he was send two years ago for the same reason that said by other jinn in the previous session.  According to jinn Karim, there are much more jinn on I compares the one in her daughter G.
So when I did ruqyah on G, first jinn Babul came out.  After jinn Babul recited syahada, I told jinn Babul to call his boss to talk to me.  The boss jinn, jinn Kuter, came out and talked to me.  Again, both jinns, jinn Babul and jinn Kuter, said the same reason that was said by other jinn in the previous session.
Alhamdulillah slowly and surely insyaAllah Allah s.w.t. will cure both I and G.
On Wednesday December 15, 2021 at 1:35 PM – I wrote:
“Salam T.  It has been a few days after the ruqyah was done, the guy face who always appeared in my vision was almost gone.  But last night the guy’s face came back and this time with anger expression starring at me.  Then today my daughter G called and said she is sick and can’t go to work.  It seems to be he is angry after you removed the sihr.
The strange thing was suddenly the guy’s face appeared then my daughter who was fine and happy got sick.  Last night, all night, when the guy’s face appeared on my vision, he wanted to intimate with me ?‍♀️?‍♀️ but I kept on doing zikr non-stop.”
At 2:11 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Thank you for the update.  There is possibility that the remaining jinns who are still in you and your daughter were mad because I removed their friends.  So the way for them to bring it to our attention is by retaliating which made your daughter sick.  This is based on my experience of helping other patients.  How exactly G’s feel?  I have scheduled for ruqyah session again tomorrow, on Thursday, but let me text sister SS if she is free or available if she can do it today instead but otherwise will do it tomorrow and I will ask why G is sick.  The jinn normally would tell me so I will let you know.   This is a process until both of you are cleaned.
At 2:15 PM – I wrote:
“Ok T.  G’s head suddenly sick and felt depress.”
At 2:23 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok that seems to be the work of jinn but I will check and let you know.
A few days ago there was one of my patients who is studying to get her PhD in Texas suddenly so depressed but the good thing that lady can get possessed easily so when I do ruqyah on her, I communicate directly with the jinn the one inside her and to get the jinn out.  And the reason it was easy also because the problem was new, she got the problem started the night before.
“Sr. H can you please do Ruqua on A.  She just called and told me that she feels depressed.”
Her mother texted me on Friday, a few days ago.  Alhamdulillah after ruqyah she felt better and did not feel like to be on the bed all the time.
At 2:25 PM – I wrote:
“Ok t.  G suddenly feels alone and depressed.  Actually the night before she was happy.”
On Thursday December 16, 2021 – Fourth time ruqyah done on I and G.
Jinn Tupi left I’s body and jinn Joly left G’s body.  Before jinn Joly left, he did say that the jinns that made G got sick yesterday, to make G feels lonely and depressed.
ruqyah.net wrote:  When we did ruqyah the first time at G’s house, during the session, we heard some one rang the front door bell but no one there.  Then today, on Monday December 20, 2021 at 7:46 PM I wrote and said that her daughter G just heard someone was outside of the room where I sleeps in, then both looked outside but no body was out there.  So I told I إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ‎ we will try to check and clean the house if there is an unseen (the jinn) in the house.
On Tuesday December 21, 2021 – 5th time ruqyah done on I and G and first time cleaning G’s house.
There were two jinns the one came out and talked to me at G’s house.  First jinn was a Christian jinn Tony and said to watch over the house which was sent by some one who loves her mother I.  The second jinn was jinn Juda.  I told both jinns the reason God created jinn and human being etc., and lectured them about to do the right thing and not to be the slave of the magician etc., they agreed to recite syahada then left G’s house.
Then I did ruqyah on I.  Jinn Samur came out and talked to me.  Alhamdulillah jinn Samur left her body.
Then I did ruqyah on G.  Jinn Ittikah came out and talked to me.  Alhamdulillah jinn Ittikah also left her body.
At 10:31 PM – I wrote:

Alhamdulillah G looks much better even though she is still very quiet and not cheerful as she normally is but she already has the motivation to work.  But the face of the guy, even though the vision of his face has gotten very small now but it is still on and off visible on my vision, when the vision comes up then slowly the size of his face keeps on decreasing to be so tiny until it disappeared ??.   Perhaps the guy has now stopped after what you did ???

At 10:35 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Alhamdulillah, InsyaAllah Allah will cure both of you.  Aamiin.
At 10:35 PM – I wrote:
Amin YRA ?
On Monday December 27, 2021 – 6th time ruqyah done on I and G
When we did ruqyah on I, alhamdulillah jinn Malik came out and talked to me.  After jinn Malik recited syahada, he left I’s body.  Then we did G, it took us three times longer because first jinn Bakas came out and when I told jinn Bakas to call the boss to talk to me, based on the body and face expression of the mediator I noticed the boss did come out but refused to talk to me, the boss was being stubborn, so since there are other jinns that always come up and help whenever the jinn was stubborn and took so long in the mediator’s body because it can drain the energy of the mediator, so with the help of the helper jinn, jinn Bakas and the jinn boss left G’s body, alhamdulillah.
At 4:48 PM – I wrote:
Alhamdullilah.  Last night G was against me.  I knew it was not her because she was angry and saying disrespected toward me.  But I kept quiet and ignored her because I knew it was not her.  But then the guy’s face who already almost dissapered showing his vision on me returned and last night I showed the vision of his face again in the last two night until today.  ??
At 4:51 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Today we found out the name of the jinn boss the one inside you, this is one of the boss jinns that is in-charge so insyaAllah we try to call him and will ask him to convince other jinns to leave your body InsyaAllah biiznillah.
At 4:55 PM – I wrote:
“Thanks Tante ?
When ever G show me as if I was her enemy now ??”
At 4:59 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
It’s normal for a while so just be patience because you and her are being bothered with this influence, good that you ignore her and kept quiet.
At 5:22 PM – I wrote:
“Ok tante !”
On Saturday January 1, 2022 – 7th time ruqyah done on I and G

Alhamdulillah during these sessions, jinn Jonathan left I’s body. and jinn Taris left G’s body.  According to jinn Taris, the jinns were creating something to make G and her mother does not getting along, when G looks at her mom, as if she was looking an enemy, G spoke disrespected toward her mother etc so I asked why doing that, the jinn said that so that her mother would think that she needed a man in her life so her mother would marry the guy who did the black magic own I and G. لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

On Sunday January 2, 2022 at 4:13 A – I wrote:
On New Year eve, suddenly the alarm at G’s house went off and the front door was opened but the front gate is closed and locked.  G who was at my house and was planning to stay over night then call 911 then both G and I went to G’s house.  When the police arrived and checked, the front gate was closed and even though the front door was open a few centimeters the police did not find any missing or unusual thing in G’s house.  However, coincidentally, the house across G’s house was broken into on the same night ?‍♀️?‍♀️
At 6:09 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Woooow, tell G to recite ayat Qur’si each time leaving the house, Bismillahi Tawakkaltu Alallaah follow with ayat Qur’si.  InsyaAllah allah will protect her.
At 7:47 AM – I wrote:
“Thank you tante ?”
On Sunday January 2, 2022 at 1:28 PM – G wrote:
“Happy New Year Tante H. May Allah grant you safety and good health and happiness this year ? Thank you so much for doing Ruqya in my house last year. I am forever grateful. ? G”
ruqyah.net wrote:
Thank you and same to you and your mom too Happy New Year and be forever healthy, prosperous, and Allah grants us a strong faith, Aamiin.
It’s my pleasure helping with ruqyah and it was nice for me too so I had the reason of going somewhere taking a break from being at home everyday, because me and my husband are retired and with this covid pandemic we haven’t travelled overseas in the past two years.  So I was happy helping you and your mom G.  Take care OK and thank you.
G sent:
On Tuesday January 4, 2022 at 6:24 AM – I wrote:
Salam Tante, G is sick again and she is taking off from her work again.
At 6:36 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

At 6:36 AM – I wrote:

I have been seeing that guy’s face vividly on my eyes since 3 o’clock night and also the face of the other guy.

At 6:20 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

At 6:57 AM – I wrote:

G does not let me to go to sleep nor to go the restroom.  Now G’s condition is getting worse ??.

At 7:14 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

** I would like to see G and I in person today if you can arrange it at 10 PM my time.**

I forwarded what you wrote to sister SS (the mediator) and the above is from her.  She is in New York so 10 PM her time is 7 PM our time.  Do you think you can convince G to be in video call with me and the mediator?  If it is not possible, at lease you do it with me at 7 PM later OK insyaAllah.

At 7:17 AM – I wrote:

OK tante I can do it.  But G is not being aware or conscious right now, just like an insane person who lost her mind.

At 7:22 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Ok I already told the mediator

On Wednesday January 5, 2022 at 6:36 AM – I wrote:

“Tante, G is insane, just like a mentally ill girl and has not been sleeping in the past three days ???

The vision of the guy’s face kept on appeared on my face and also the face of the other guy.  Please if it is possible try to make G wants to take her medicine.  Ever since the New Year’s eve when some how the front door of G’s house was opened like it was break in but the gate was secured locked, I often seeing a large hair knots floating around in the air in G and my houses ??.”
At 8:08 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

InsyaAllah بإذن الله once the jinn the one inside G already left her body, she would be cured.At 8:09 AM – I wrote:

“Now G removing all her stuff and her clothes.  G started talking to herself and laughing by herself  ???.”

At 8:09 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Actually we already cleaned G’s house but lets see will check it again.  Yesterday, on Monday, the mediator’s job called her to work so I did not do the ruqyah yesterday but for sure insyaAllah will do it twice a week.  OK I will try to find out and let you know.

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ … why some people are so bad, but what can I say some people don’t believe doing black magic is a big sin.

At 8:11 AM – I wrote:

“Yes G could not go to sleep and it has been four (4) days not going to work.  I am afraid if she is missing work too much she would get fired ???.

Please tante for G back to healthy and she is not talking to herself like a crazy person ???.”

At 8:12 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Does she has a doctor’s note?  If she does insyaAllah she will be OK.

At 8:13 AM – I wore:

“G does to want to go to the doctor ?? because she is influenced by her fiancé D not to take any medicine ??.  I was kept on being sent away by G because she said that there is a demon in me.”

At 8:17 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

I see, if that the case it’s more complicated because she is not only influenced by the jinn but she is also influenced by her fiancé.

Can you try to talk nicely to her fiancé and explain the situation?  May be you talk to the guy who introduce D with G, explain the situation for the guy to talk to D just say your concern that G is refused taking medicine because D who prevented her taking etc.

At 8:49 AM – I wrote:

“Ok Tante.  Here is what D’ said tante ?

Wa’aliakum salaam I

I don’t believe G not sleeping isn’t solely due to the house break in.  I think it’s due to her being upset or just really happy that she couldn’t sleep.  I will not tell her to take her medicine as she does not need if but I have advised her to get some sleep and to take care of herself.  I trust her that she will take better care of herself.”

At 9:28 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

He is NOT a doctor telling other about not taking medicine etc.  Wow your problem is not just your own issue but being added with this unnecessary issue, Astagfirullaaaah.

At 9:29 AM – I wrote:

“Yes, Tante.  D thinks he knows everything ??.”

At 9:31 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Hemmmm that’s not good if he thinks/feels that way because a person who think he knows everything will never learn and will not accept what other’s think or what other people think, أستغفر الله, this is what I think.  You as G’s mother make doa’ for Allah to find the way out.

At 9:48 AM – I wrote:

“Ok tante thank you ?”
At 11:12 AM – I wrote:
“It’s too obvious knowing there is sihr in G’s body because when I was listening ruqyah on my cell phone, suddenly G went in to my room and told me to turn my cell phone off.  She does not want to listen to the ruqyah and the vision of the guy’s face always appeared on my face, constantly in my eyes.  Also the hair knots floating around in the air in G’s house.”
At 11:32 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
It is very clear the indication that there is something in G because she does not want to hear Qur’an recitation.  Sister SS, the mediator, just text me and said will do ruqyah 6 PM her time so it’s 3 PM our time.
InsyaAllah will do it twice a weeks what I don’t know is how to stop the guy from keeps in renewing his sihr InsyaAllah based on my past experience helping all my patients they were all cured, Allah cured them, with the exception a few the one who kept getting it.  But once the old sihr is gone, even if the sihr is being renewed InsyaAllah it is easier to clean.  So this is a long process let’s just hope the mediator is available for a long time.  I have been working using her as the mediator since October 2019 and Alhamdulillah there are few patients completely cured, two of the they we’re born here their parents from Bangladesh they live in Texas, one of them lives Daly City his parents from Pakistan, 6 non-Muslim live in the Bay Area Alhamdulillah they completely cured.
Below is what the Spanish patient wrote to me a few days ago
Hello H. This is A’s cousin, C.  I just want to wish you and your family a safe and memorable New Year celebration.  May the blessings be bountiful for you and yours.
Thank you for helping me. Day by day I see changes and I can tell that my body is trying to expell bad things from the inside…. feeling better and healthier thanks to you. ?????? My family thanks you.  ?
At 12:39 PM – I wrote:
“Thanks tante ??”
On Wednesday January 5, 2022 – 8th time ruqyah done on I and G

During the ruqyah on I, there were two jinns came out.  First jinn Jacob and the second was jinn Basyir.  Jinn Basyir was the jinn in charge and was not too happy at first but after I lectured about why God created jinn etc he then agreed to recite syahada.  According to inn Basyir, he was sent to I two years ago to make I wants to marry the guy who did the magic.  Alhamdulillah both jinns, jinn Jacob and jinn Basyir left I’s body.

When we did ruqyah on G, jinn Tariq came out then after jinn Tariq recited syahada, he then left G’s body.  Alhamdulillah

At 5:28 PM – I wrote:

“Thank you Tante ?”

At 5:37 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

I am still doing ruqyah right now I will text you later when you are alone so I can call you to share with you what the mediator told me.

At 5:42 PM – I wrote:

“Ok tante.”

At 9:08 PM – I wrote:

“If I lose contact with you,  please contact me on email because my daughter is still in possessed by this JERK’s black magic:  she grabs my phone while I am listening to Dr Zakir Naik ??.  This JERK really doesn’t want me to be with someone else except him ??????
She does not want me to listen to Quran now, which is quite weird for me to see that happen to my daughter.  She loves Quran and wearing hijab as well ??”
At 9:15 PM – I wrote:
“I am still at G’s place and plan to sleep over because G is still possessed and she is acting like not herself like some one who lost the memory and does not know what to do
At 9:33 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok.  If you can do your best do the following:
Recite Al-Fatihah 41 X each time after your daily prayer with the intention for Allah to use G.  Then recite Al-Fatihah 11 X on the water blow it to the water for G to drink.  Tell G before drinking the water to make doa’ for Allah to cure her.
At 9:41 PM – I wrote:
Thanks Tante.  G does not want to even listen to the Quran anymore.  She starts hating listening the Quran ??.”
At 9:44 PM – I wrote:
“G just took shower and made the whole house wet.  The guy’s face is still appeared on my vision, his face smiling watching me crying and G is suffering ??.
Then when I was listening to Dr. Zakir Naik, G went into my room, took my cell phone and said jihad is not good ?? and threw my cell phone for me to take it back ??
Now G plays piano ??.  G said to me that why she some time forgetting thing mama ??.”
At 10:07 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok tomorrow when you are alone text me I will call and share what the mediator told me about her.  There is similarity with your problem.”
At 10:34 PM – I wrote:
“Ok tante.
G can’t go to sleep and rest her mind.  She couldn’t sleep since the New Year night where her house got break into.  Where 2 police men could not find anything in the house but the front door was opened.  Since then she is not herself ??.  I promise to Allah if by the time I die and my ONLY daughter does not heal and back to healthy stage and normal life, I will hunt anyone who did this thin to my only daughter.  I understand it’s a sin in Islam.  But I can’t take it any longer to see my daughter suffer.  I will hunt that person and his family as well to repay back for what he did to my family and daughter.”
On Thursday January 6, 2022 at 6:20 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

 لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

At 6:57 AM – I wrote:

“And G does not let me to sleep nor to get out to the restroom.  Right now she is getting worse ??.”

At 7:14 AM – ruqyah.net forwarded the mediator’s text and wrote:

“I would like to see G and I in person today if you can arrange it at 10 PM my time.”

I forwarded what you wrote to the mediator and the above is from her.  She is in New York so 10 PM her time is 7 PM our time.  Can you convince G to be in video call with me and the mediator?  If that is not possible at least you do it with me at 7 PM later OK insyaAllah.

At 7:17 AM – I wrote:

“Ok tante I can.  But G is possessed right now and like some one who lost her mind.”

At 7:22 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Ok I already told the mediator.

At 11:13 AM – I wrote:

“Tante, G is missing.”

Since I is also sensitive and easily to be possessed, when I heard G is missing, I told I to take wudu to start to do ruqyah on G using I as the mediator and I agreed.

On Thursday January 6, 2022 at 9 AM – ruqyah on G was done using her mother I as the mediator.

Jinn Krogen talked to me and said he was the one that made G to leave her house.  G was on the street wondering around.  When I asked why he did that, he said that so G’s mother be worried because the jinn that causing G to get sick and to lose her job (G has been sick in the past four days and has not been working) so if G’s mother becomes stress with G’s situation, the jinn said that so G’s mother would decide to remarry the guy who did the shir.  So I told the jinn if continue to do this, he will go to the hell fire because God created jinn to be free and to worship Him alone and not to be the slave of the magician.  It was not easy to convince the jinn at first but Alhamdulillah finally the jinn agreed to recite syahada.  After the jinn recited syahada, I told the jinn to go to G to make G to go back home and the jinn said yes.  After that I told the jinn to leave G’s house.

After the session, I said that she would go out to look for G and to go to G’s house to check.

At 3:32 PM – I wrote:

“I already went to G’s house and she was not there so I went to the police to report it her missing ??.”

At 3:35 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

InsyaAllah she returns home soon.  Remember when we did the ruqyah and when I talked to the jinn, the jinn did say that the jinn that made her to leave the house.  Lets us make doa’ for her safe return.  Do you she is at her fiancé’s house?

At 3:39 PM – I wrote:

“No.  She is not with D.  Because D is worry about her as well after it.”

At 3:39 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

InsyaAllah she will be OK, we both make doa’

At 3:39 PM – I wrote:

“Thank you tante”

At 3:41 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Let’s see what sister SS may say or her suggestion on this.  Thank you for the update let’s hope she is home before 7 and let’s hope she want to talk to sister SS too.

At 3:44 PM – I wrote:

“All right”

At 4:40 PM – I wrote:

“Tante, they found G at D’s house.”

At 5:07 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:


At 5:29 PM – I wrote:


Tante, I don’t think I can do it at 7 today because I have to take G to the hospital.”

At 6:27 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:


On Friday January 7, 2022 at 6:51 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

How is G now?

At 7:48 AM – I wrote:

“She is admitted at the hospital.”

At 8:07 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

Ok InsyaAllah I will try to find out why and InsyaAllah to clean G’s house again also will clean her and you InsyaAllah.

Since you couldn’t make it last night, so we cancelled the 7 PM last night.

Ya Allah, we really hope Allah makes it easy for you and G, but again, Allah s.w.t. will not test the person beyond the person capability handling the test.  So please do lots of istigfar OK.

At 8:09 AM – I wrote:

“Thanks tante ??.”

At 8:10 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Are you alone now or at G’s house?

At 8:10 AM – I wrote:

“Alone tante”

At 8:49 AM – I wrote:

“I just spoke to my daughter in the emergency room.  What’s weird things, she can articulate herself mostly great, except my daughter voice sounds like there were a man inside her body ??.”

At 9:41 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Well you know she is not 100% her right now so it’s OK I understood.  Are you free now?  Let me know if you have wudu and can do it now.

At 10:03 AM – I wrote:

“30 minute tante”

At 10:14 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Let me know when you are ready

At 10:18 AM – I wrote:


On Friday January 7, 2022 – ruqyah on G’s house was done using her mother I as the mediator.

One jinn came out and talked to me.  The jinn said that he was sent along with 6 other jinns to make G to lost her job and to make her sick.  So I told the jinn that jinns are created to be free and to worship Allah, and not to be the slave of the magician so I told the jinn if after I explain to him and he refuse to get out or leave, Allah will punish him when he die will be in a hell fire for ever so I told him to tell the other six jinns and him to recite syahada.  But the head jinn was not sincere at first because after recited syahada, it’s color was first orange, then grey, then he said 1/2 white and 1/2 grey so I told him that he can’t play around with Allah, either he does it again from his heart then to take the other six jinns to leave to go to Mecca.  Allah will forgive all he had done in the past if ask Allah forgiveness sincerely so then when he did syahada again, finally his color and the other six jinns are all Alhamdulillah, they all white.  Then I told him to take everybody to leave G’s house and go to Mecca.  Alhamdulillah

On Saturday January 8, 2022 at 7:16 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Assalamualaikum if you are awake and have wudu, let me know if we can do ruqyah in the next a few minutes.  I just finished with the lady in Texas.

At 12:52 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

I hope you are OK, I am worried because you haven’t read the above text.  I don’t have your email address too.  Talk to you later.

At 12:56 PM – I wrote:

Tante, don’t know why my cell phone is dead and can’t turn it back on.  I did recharge my cell phone but my cell phone is still dead.  Also all the messages disappeared.  The face of that guy is still showing in my vision more than 24 hours now which made me unable to sleep.

At 1:12 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

I am glad that you are OK.  Any way I always get up early morning and by 8 AM I go back to sleep some time for an hour or two so if you are awake between 6:30 & 7:30 AM, text me so I can do ruqyah directly on you.

Sister SS is working until very late today so i have scheduled to do ruqyah again with her tomorrow night either 6 or 7 PM her time so it’s either at 3 or 4 our time so if you are free during that time we can do it with her too.  Text me tomorrow morning.

At 1:13 PM – I wrote:

“Yes.  I can do that tante.  My email is xxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com the problem with my phone causing some of the informations disappeared, not sure how even though I didn’t do anything to my phone, so I am using different phone now.”

At 10:49 PM – I wrote:

As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession.

How a scientist learned to work with exorcists.

Matt Rota for The Washington Post – By Richard Gallagher
At 10:51 PM – I wrote:
“A person told me that my daughter was possessed, someone casted a demonic spirit inside her.”
At 6:12 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
I do know this because one of my former patients who live in Virginia, he was possessed due to some one did the black magic by using satanic ritual yes I do know.  But InsyaAllah don’t worry the power of Allah is stronger than any other power.
On Sunday January 9, 2022 – 9th time ruqyah done on I and G

Alhamdulillah jinn Alexis left I’s body.

During the session of G’s ruqyah, first jinn Tessel came out and talked to me.  I asked him why G is in the hospital now, do you have anything to do with it, then jinn Tessel said not him but another jinn, the mean jinn that did it.  So I told jinn Tessel that I needed to talk to the mean jinn.  First thing the mean jinn said was “What do you want?” so I told him that I need to talk to him and to stop what he did making G sick etc., but then the mean jinn was just silent and giving me the arrogant expression then I recited something then the mediator resumes conscious.  Because I was not sure if both jinns left G’s body, I re-did the ruqyah and the third jinn, jinn Alex came out and talked to me.  After jinn Alex recited syahada, I told jinn Alex to convince other jinns inside G to leave and to take them to Mecca.  Alhamdulillah

On Monday January 10, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the session on G, I spoke with two jinns.  First a catholic jinn Alexis that was afraid to mention her name and to do syahada.  After I lectured her about the hell fire etc., she agreed to do syahada but it took her three times before the jinn was white and her reason was because she was afraid of another jinn that was preventing her to do.  So I asked what is the jinn’s name that was stopping her to do, she said jinn Veronica.  So I told jinn Alexis to call jinn Veronica to talk to me.  When jinn Veronica came out, first thing she said was “what do you want?”  so I told her that I would help her.  She said she does not need my help and does not want to leave because her job is not done yet.  I asked what is her job, she said to make G’s mother to marry the guy.  I then asked jinn Veronica about G sickness because G is admitted at the hospital for no reason but she is sick.  Jinn Veronica said that the jinn made G sick because her mother does not want to marry the guy.  But alhamdulillah بإذن الله Allah made them to listen to me so both jinn Alexis and jinn Veronica recited the syahada then I told them before going to Mecca to do what ever it takes to make the guy who did the black magic to be sick so he will stop doing the magic.  Because of the severity of the problem, G who has a very good job and who just bought a house has not been working for the reason of her sickness that does not make sense because even the doctor unable to detect what is wrong with G other than depression and mentally disturbed, so the guy who did the magic had gone above and beyond unethical way which is very ظالم (zalim), unjust, so بإذن الله with the will of God, the guy will become sick and stop repeating doing the black magic.  

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Kristen was sent to I five (5) years ago.  After jinn Kristen recited the syahada, she said that there are seven jinns at G’s house which were sent by the same guy who want to marry I.  So I told jinn Kristen to go to G’s house to convince all the jinns to leave and to take them to Mecca.  While jinn Kristen doing it, I was reciting and then jinn Kristen said that two of the jinns are refusing to leave so she has five jinns the one in G’s house that were agreed to leave so I told jinn Kristen to leave but before going to Mecca I told her the same thing as I said to those jinns the one in G to make the guy sick.  InsyaAllah the guy will stop doing black magic on both G and I.

On Tuesday January 11, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

What I noticed is when I do ruqyah on G, almost all jinns that come out were not cooperating and reluctant letting me know their names.  So it is not only taking longer session time but also I have to do lots of convincing by lecturing about the hell fire etc.  The first jinn that came out was jinn Kristen and I have to make her to recite syahada a few times because according to jinn Kristen, there was another jinn that preventing jinn Kristen to do the right thing.  So I told jinn Kristen to call that jinn to talk to me.  The second jinn the one preventing the first jinn to do the right thing came out but refused letting me know his name.  He is a 62 years old male jinn and after this jinn recited the syahada, this jinn still did not want to let me know his name so I offered to give him a name.  He said why do I need to know his name so I told him that when we have conversation, it is good to address him by his name so he agreed and he agreed with the name of Adam.  According to jinn Adam, the guy who wants G’s mother to marry him did which craft by pouring something in G’s house the night of New Years eve.  Then there was another jinn, the third jinn came out and this jinn was laughing and saying something to make fun of the police who came to G’s house to inspect the night of New Years eve.  This jinn claims his name is jinn Krogen and said see ha ha ha the police came but the police did not find anything ha ha ha we did the which craft in G’s house to make G sick, if she sick then she can’t go to work, then she is going to lose her house to make her mother panic.  This third jinn was really stubborn insisted to stay, he will not leave until her mother marry the guy.  So I told both jinn Kristen and jinn Adam to force the third jinn to leave and they said OK but in the process, the mediator, G’s mother, was bouncing her body back and forth like she was rocking her body and the two jinns said that the third jinn was fighting with them so it took them long time while I kept on telling both jinn Adam and jinn Kristen to keep saying لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ ,اللّهُ أكبر, لا إله إلا الله (there is no God but Allah

Alhamdulillah both jinn Adam and jinn Kristen with the help of Allah was able to force the third jinn to leave.

During the ruqyah session on I, it was much easier, jinn Ali was sent to I about ten (10) years ago to make her fall in love to the guy and after jinn Ali recited syahada, jinn Ali left I’s body.

On Tuesday January 11, 2022 – 10th time ruqyah done on I and G

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Lucifer came out and after jinn Lucifer recited syahada, I told him to convince other jinns to leave and to take them to Mecca but then jinn Lucifer said he wanted to change his name to a Muslim’s name so I told him to go ahead to pick but he asked me to chose for him so I offered the name Umar and he was happy with Umar.  Then jinn Umar convince other jinns to leave I’s body.  Alhamdulillah

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Belu said that he was sent to G two years ago.  After jinn Belu recited syahada, I told jinn Belu to go to G’s house to destroy the remaining black magic there and to convince other jinns to leave and to take them to Mecca.  Alhamdullah.

On Wednesday January 12, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

First we did ruqyah G.  The jinn came out and said he was sent to G five years ago.  The jinn told me that the magician is in Caribbean.  The jinn first refused to recite syahada so I lectured about hell fire etc and lots of convincing to make him wanting to leave but he said he afraid that he would be killed by the guy so I told him not to worry about anyone other than Allah so I did further convincing and finally the jinn agreed to take syahada.  After the jinn recited syahada, he said that there is someone at G’s house wearing brown uniform last night (note actually G’s house is empty because G is still in the hospital so the only thing I can think of is the guy did send which craft again because we had destroyed all the black magic yesterday).  The jinn said the magician did it by using big nail, flower, incense and wudu doll.  So I told the jinn to destroy the wudu doll and and other which craft stuffs he may find there and convince other jinn to leave.  During the process the jinn destroying the doll and black magic there, I kept on reciting رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا ﴿٦٨﴾

33/Al-Ahzab-68: Raabbanea eatihim dı’fayni minal aazeabi val aanhum laa’nan kabeerea(kabeeran). to punish the person who did the black magic.
During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Belina came out and talked to me.  I told jinn Belina to destroy all the which craft at I and the one at I’s house so according to jinn Belina, the black magic in the dining room has been destroyed, then I told jinn Belina to convince other jinns to leave I’s body and to go to Mecca.
On Thursday January 13, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, after the jinn recited syahada, the jinn along with other seven (7) jinns left G’s body but before they left, I suggested for them to make doa’ to punish the person who did the black magic. رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا ﴿٦٨﴾

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Khalid was sent to I five years ago for I to love the guy.  After jinn Khalid recited syahada, I told jinn Khalid to destroy all black magic and wudu doll the guy had.  According to the jinn, actually the black magic has already been destroyed yesterday but the guy made another wudu doll last night and sent the black magic to both I and G last night.

On Thursday January 13, 2022 – 11th time ruqyah done on I and G

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Zahda was sent to I two years ago.  After jinn Zahda recited syahada, jinn Zahda along with a few other jinns left I’s body.  Before they left, I recired the ahzab verse (S33/68) to punish the guy.  رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا ﴿٦٨﴾ 

During the ruqyah session on G, according to jinn Jabar he was sent to G last night along with other jinns.  The guy made another wudu doll last night and did the magic again on G.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Jabar recited syahada, he convince other jinns to leave G’s body then before they leave, I recited the punishment verse to punish the guy so he, إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ‎ can stop renewing the magic.

This is the punishment ayat.  Sura 33 ayat 68
Our Lord, give them twice the punishment, and send a curse in them, an enormous curse
Our Lord, bring them torment, and curse them with a great curse!
Our Lord give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse
Our Lord Oh, give them double penalty and curse them with a very great Curse!
Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them with a great curse

On Saturday January 15, 2022 at 10:01 AM – I wrote:

Sorry tante, I couldn’t sleep again last night so overslept and got up late.  But G already talking to me now, she left messages on my phone because I was over slept.  Alhamdulillah, she is talking to me again now and also she is taking her medicine prescribed by her doctor now ?.

At 10:14 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Alhamdulillah no problem at all.  Let’s see may be if you are free later on during the day we can do the ruqyah again.  What time is good for you?  Any time is good for me InsyaAllah.

At 10:26 AM – I wrote:

“I will be available anytime before 5:20pm tante.”

On Saturday January 15, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, according to jinn Shakira, she along with other 500 jinns were sent to G last night to make her to stay being sick and to stay in the hospital so her mother be panicked so her mother would think of marrying the guy who did the black magic.  And when لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ during the ruqyah session on I, jinn Kadiron was telling me the same thing in which he along with other 5000 jinns were sent to I last night too.  Alhamdulillah after both jinn Shakira and jinn Kadiron recited syahada, I told them to tell those jinns that were sent last night to leave and to take them to Mecca.

On Sunday January 16, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Qutron said that he was sent to G last night. لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ so I think the person who did it monitors daily so each time the jinns are removed, he redo the magic and send more jinns سبحان الله.  Jinn Karisa from I’s body talked to me and said the same thing which is she was sent last night too but for some reason jinn Karisa couldn’t get it I’s body so she and the other jinns were just outside I.  After both jinn Qutron and jnn Karisa recited syahada, I told them to convince the other jinns that were sent last night to leave and to take them to Mecca.

On Monday January 17, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Kastidy was also telling me that he along with another 6000 jinns were sent to G last night to keep G in the hospital.  After jinn Kastidy recited syahada, I told him to convince the other jinns to leave but before taking them to Mecca to let me know so we can make the punishment doa’ first for the guy to stop doing black magic on G and I.

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Somad said that the magician is a Caribbean woman and the guy paid lots of money to the Caribbean woman.  According to jinn Somad, he was sent last night along with 4700 jinns لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ Alhamdulillah after jinn Somad recited syahada, I told him to take the 4700 jinns that were sent last night to leave and to take them to Mecca.

At 8:23 AM – G’s mother wrote:

Just to let you know that G is going to be discharged from the hospital at 6:30 PM today.  But she does not want me to pick her up because she said that I made her stress ???.  I am puzzled and have a doubt about D if he really loves G or have something else in his mind because ever since G be a friend with D, ever since G got to know D, G who was always very closed with me became distance toward me and also thinks that I made her stress ??.  Actually D is the one who makes her stress.  Even on New Year eve, D did not invite G and or be with G instead D was at home with his mother ??.  D spent the whole New Year eve with his mother instead of with G ??.

On Tuesday January 18, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Clarisa said that she was sent to G along with other 3500 jinns yesterday morning.  So I told her that we did ruqyah yesterday morning so I asked where she was.  Jinn Clarisa said that she was sent yesterday morning after I did ruqyah سبحان الله so then after jinn Clarisa recited the syahada, I told her to take the 3500 jinns the one came with her yesterday to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.  While in the process jinn Clarisa tried telling the other jinns to leave, she did tell me that there was some one in G’s kitchen and also there were two children in G’s house so I told jinn Clarisa to also take those the one in G’s house with her and before they leave to make doa’ Al-Azab sura 33/68.

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Bethany also said that she was sent along with 1000 other jinns yesterday morning.  After jinn Bethany recited syahada, I recited the azab doa’ (S 33/68) and jinn Bethany was repeatedly saying aamiin, aamiin aamiin so I hope the person who keeps renewing will stop doing the black magic to both G & I.

On Tuesday January 18, 2022 – 12th time ruqyah done on I and G

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Jefry said he was sent 3, 4 years ago to me I loves him.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Jefry recited syahada, he left I’s body

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Anita said she was sent to G two years ago.  Jinn Anita was told to make G feels stress when G is close to her mother I and feels sick.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Anita recited syahada, I told her to convince other jinns to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.

At 7:21 PM – I wrote:

Ok tante thank you ??.  D is not on his way to pick up G.

This morning suddenly G was calling me morning and afternoon and she repeatedly said I love you mom ???.

At 7:47 PM – I wrote:

G comes with D to pick up her medicines but G does not want to come in to the house.  So D comes to the house and picks up the medicines.  I told to D in front of my roommate Z what did you say to my daughter that makes her hate me now!!  She never done this before!!

On Wednesday January 19, 2022 at 6:01 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

I have read your text last night but I did not reply then because I was still thinking what the best way to say to D if I were you.
If I were you, I wouldn’t say what you said to him but instead, I would talk to him differently, such as – D, you know in Islam how important about daughter toward her mother, in fact there is a haditz about it when the sahaba asked something to the prophet peace be upon him and the prophet s.a.w. Mentioned MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, until 3 times and how important for daughter not to hurt her mother’s feeling etc., and you know that children will not enter paradise even if the children pray regularly, read Qur’an, fasting etc if the daughter is not good toward her mother or hurting her feeling.
We, G & I, had always have good relation and we were very close to each other but I don’t know why lately she seems to be not herself, like some times she called me and saying I love you mom repeatedly over and over but at different time, she would say that she can’t be with me or see me because she be stress, so lately her behavior is not consistent so I am confused what triggered her to be that way.
You know D, being a good Muslimah is not enough just to pray and wear hijab, the very most important is our akhlak, our behavior, so you need to little by little address this issue to her to always have good relationships with her mother and off course to your mother too actually to be good, polite and respectful toward anyone if we are to follow the teaching of Islam.
That’s what I would say to Daniel if I were you.

At 6:05 AM – I wrote:

Thanks tante for the advice!  I apologize to D about this issue.  We are ok now ?.

At 6:12 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Good MasyaAllah.

On Wednesday January 19, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Asiron talked to me and said he was sent last night to G along with 6000 other jinns.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Asiron recited syahada, I told jinn Asiron to convince other jinns that were sent last night to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Kiston was also said he was sent last night along with 16000 jinn because I refused his love and did not want to marry the guy.                      لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ … After jinn Kiston recited syahada, I told jinn Kiston to convince those jinns that were sent last night to leave I’s body and to take them to Mecca الحمدلله

At 1:16 PM – I wrote:

“Tante thanks very much!  G is visiting me right now.  Suddenly she wants to take a selfie with me and say I love you mom ?.”

At 2:30 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:


At 2:33 PM – I wrote:

“Masya Allah!  Yes Tante.”

On Thursday January 20, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During the ruqyah session on G, jinn Shakira along with 5000 other jinns left G’s body.  According to jinn Shakira, she was sent yesterday morning after I did ruqyah on G yesterday morning.  لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ …

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Usra along with 7000 other jinns left I’s body.  According to jinn Usra, he was sent to I the same time when the magician sent jinns to G, which was yesterday morning after I did ruqyah on I أستغفر الله

On Thursday January 20, 2022 – 13th time ruqyah done on I and G

During ruqyah session on I, jinn  Susan said she was sent to I five years ago.  Alhamdulillah jinn Susan along with other jinns left I’s body.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Victor said that he was sent to G two years ago, Alhamdulillah after jinn Victor recited syahada, he along with other jinns left G’s body.

On Friday January 21, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Kiran said that he was sent along with 7 other jinns last night to make G sick.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Kiran recited syahada, he along with the other 7 jinns left G’s body.

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Belina said that she was sent last night along with 1500 other jinns.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Belina recited syahada, she left G’s body.

At 11:22 AM – I wrote:

“Thanks Tante.  I am with G and D now.  She finally invited me to her Dr. Appointment this morning ??.  But she blames it on me for stressful situations and hospitalizations ???
I told her Dr in front of G and D that G has been stressed out since she’s been in relationships with D.  Due to D has a lot of responsibility to his mother.  Then blame it on G when he can’t meet G ??”
At 11:25 AM – ruqyah.net sent the below good story to I:
The richest Lebanese man, named (Email Al-Bastani) built a grave for himself, which was in the best place of Lebanon and very clean and honorable in the beautiful city of Beirut, until he was buried there after his death.
This person owned a personal plane and fell into the sea with the same plane.
His surrounding spent millions to pull his body out of the sea and bury it there.  Whatever they found, the body of the plane was found, but the corpse of Mr. Rich Lebanese (Al-Bastani) it was never found that it was not.
The richest English man was a Jew named (Rhodes-child) for his abundant wealth, he borrowed to the British government.
This guy very rich, had a box cow very big for a room.  One day, he entered into his own money treasury and accidentally closed the door of this cow box and whatever he shouted and shouted, because of the greatness of the fear, no one heard it.
Because he used to always stay away from home and family for a long time.  This time also the family thought because it has been long, maybe he has gone on a trip.  This man screamed so much he felt so hungry and thirsty.
One of his fingers wounded and wrote on the wall with blood.  The richest man in the world died of hunger and thirst.
Let’s not think:  wealth is the only thing that fulfills all our desires.
In life, search for worshipping God and peace of mind and heart.
Offer your prayers
Recite the Holy Qur’an
Respect your parents
Respect the elders
Give compassion and kindness to children
Give charity and help to strangers and widows
Have good manners with everyone
Choose a good companion and friend
At 11:26 AM – I wrote:
“They both finally quite when I told G’s Dr.  Because I am tired to be blame for everything that he did to my daughter ???
I told D and G that they need to go to therapy before getting married because D’s Mom is a very difficult to G and me!  G and myself are trying to reach out to her but she seems she does not want to open up.  May be because of her situations, which is I understand completely
At 11:30 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
I understood.

On Saturday January 22, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Asrah said she was sent to G five years ago and according to jinn Asrah, there were jinns sent last night to G’s house, under the tree to make G gets sick again so G’s mother I be panicked again and again so she would marry the guy.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Asrah recited syahada, I told her to destroy all black magic that was sent last night then to convince other jinns to leave G’s body and take them to Mecca.

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Yusuf said he was sent last night along with 15000 other jinns so after jinn Yusuf recited syahada, I told him and to tell other jinns to make punishment doa’ with me to punish the guy, the sender, so that he would stop on repeating doing black magic on I and G.  Then I told jinn Yusuf to take other jinns to leave I’s body and to take them to Mecca.

On Sunday January 23, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn sabirin said that she was sent to G five years ago and also said that some one tried to send it again to G last night but instead placed something place under the tree outside in G’s house.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Sabirin recited syahada, I told him to destroy the one under the tree and to convince other jinns to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.  Before they left, I made doa’ the punishment doa’ for the sender to stop on keeping renewing the black magic.

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Asrah said he was sent to I last night along with 7 other jinns.  The sender also placed something in the living room so after jinn Asrah recited syahada, I told him to convince other jinn and the 7 jinns that were sent last night to leave, but first to destroy the thing that was placed in the living room first and to make doa’ the punishment doa’ for Allah to punish the sender hoping that the sender can stop on renewing the black magic.

On Monday January 24, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Ibrahim was sent to G last night along with 7000 other jinns.  Alhamdulillah jinn Ibrahim along with the 7000 jinns left G’s body but before they left, they made doa’ to punish the sender.

During ruqyah session on I, jin Sara said she was sent to I last night along with 5000 other jinns.  After jinn Sara recited syahada, I told her to convince the 5000 other jinns the one were sent last night to leave and to take them to Mecca.

On Tuesday January 25, 2022 at 8:07 AM – G wrote:

“Salam Tante H, would you be able to do Ruqya at my house this coming Sunday?”

ruqyah.net wrote:

InsyaAllah let me ask my husband first OK, I am in the bart now on the way to San Francisco.  I will let you know later OK InsyaAllah.

At 1:40 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Ok InsyaAllah will leave Tracy noon be at your house after 1 PM is that good time for you and your mom?

G wrote:

“I am ok with the time tante H ?.”

ruqyah.net wrote:

Good InsyaAllah see you on Sunday then.

G wrote:

“Yes ?”

G wrote:
“I do have a meeting with Imaam at 6 pm”
I wrote:
“Well, it should be fine.”
G wrote:
At 2 PM ruqyah.net wrote:
I just got home.  If arrived there at 1:30, start working on it then recite AlBaqarah etc., I should be done by 3 or 3:30 InsyaAllah so your 6 o’clock appointment should be fine.

On Tuesday January 25, 2022 – 14th time ruqyah done on I and G

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Farid said that he was sent to I five years ago.  Alhamdulillah jinn Farid along with other jinns left I’s body.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Larry came out and when I said assalamualaikum to the jinn, the jinn shake his head so I assume the jinn is not a muslim jinn and or does not understand how to respond to Assalamualaikum then I found out that he is an atheist, so I lectured him about the prophets, islam, hell fire etc., finally he agreed to convert to Islam.  After jinn Larry recited syahada, he along with other jinns left G’s body.

On Wednesday January 26, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, the 72 years old jinn Karen came out and talked to me.  Jinn Karen said that she was sent to G last night along with 500 other jinns to make G sick and to control G.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Karen recited syahada, she along with the 500 other jinns left G’s house.

During ruqyah session on I, a christian jinn Basar said that he was sent last night so after I lectured about the hell fire etc., jinn Basar took syahada and left I’s body along with a few other jinns.

On Thursday January 27, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah on G, jinn Adiron said he was sent to G five years ago then when I asked if there is any jinns in G that was sent to her recently and jinn Adiron said yes, last night.  So I told jinn Adiron to call the jinn the one was sent last night to talk to me so the second jinn came out and her name was jinn Usra.  Both jinns, jinn Adiron and jinn Usra recited syahada then I told them to destroy all the black magic that was sent last night and to convince all jinns the one came last night and other jinns to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.

During ruqyah session on I, first jinn Sara came out and said that he was sent to I seven years ago.  After jinn Sara recited syahada, I told jinn Sara to call the jinn that was sent last night to talk to me.  The second jinn, jinn Kausar the one was sent to I last night along with 8000 other jinns said that the guy will not stop because I refused his love.  So I told jinn Sara, jinn Kausar and other jinns to make doa’ to Allah for Allah to punish the guy to he would stop doing black magic to both G and I.  Then I told them to leave and to go to Mecca.

On Thursday January 27, 2022 – 14th time ruqyah done on I and G

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Khalili that has been in I in the past five years, Alhamdulillah, left I’s body along with other jinns.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Blue along with other jinns left G’s body الحمدلله

On Sunday January 30, 2022 – ruqyah on G and G’s fiancé  D at G’s house.  

First as soon as I got at G’s house, I told D about how I do ruqyah and also told him that I don’t know how to see jinn or knowing the presence of the unseen (jinn) but for some reason when I recite verses of Qur’an on the person who has something, that person can be possessed or feel something.  I also told D that both G and G’s mother I are very sensitive and easily get possessed so when the patient does not have any reaction, I may use the sensitive’s person to be the mediator.  I brought with me photo copies of ruqyah recitations and the translation in English for D and G but I found out that they don’t know how to read in Arabic fluent yet so I gave them the Arabic’s alphabet page for them to refresh their memories about the Arabic’s alphabets.   After finished telling D about it, I told D to take wudu so I can do ruqyah on him first which we did.   During the entire time D did not feel anything other than just feel good listening to the recitation, he did not have any reaction.  So I told G that I would do ruqyah on D again by using G as the mediator.  But G also did not feel anything so that is the good thing.

The next thing was I did ruqyah on G using G’s mother as the mediator.  Shortly after I recited, G’s mother I got possessed.  It was first time for D to witness some one being possessed and it was very good one.  The mediator I was destroying black magic the one in G and in G’s house so her hand, body and head, neck movements were constantly moving as if the jinn was destroying the black magic then I told the jinn to throw the black magic in the ocean after being destroyed and to let me know once all is done.  The jinn said it’s done, so I told the jinn to convince as many jinn to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.

When the session was done, D told me thank you very much for educating him about ruqyah, he said he learned a lot and was happy to witness the session.  He couldn’t believe how a person can act such a way uncontrollable.

On Monday January 31, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Sahrah first refuse to leave because she said that she was there to watch and to protect G.  But after I lectured further she agreed to take syahada and leave.  Before she left, I told her to destroy all black magic or remaining black magic if there is any then convince other jinns to leave and to take them to Mecca.

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Kasrat said she was sent to I five years ago.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Kasrat recited syahada, she along with other jinns left I’s body.

On Tuesday February 1, 2022 at 10:11 AM – I wrote:

My body so exhausted after we did ruqyah at G’s house.  Especially the neck area ?.

At 10:18 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Subhanallah off course you were working very hard destroying the magic then throwing them in the ocean.  That’s why when using sister SS as the mediator we compensate for her time and energy $200/month for 8 times (twice a week).  By the way last month when you gave for her was on the 5th, so later on the 5th is due again OK.  You can give directly to her too if you wish or you can give directly to her too if you can send it to me I will forward it to her please write on the note charity so it is not taxable.  Thanks.

At 10:43 AM – I wrote:

“Ok Tante ?.”

On Wednesday February 2, 2022 at 6:14 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

I hope you feel bette by now so text me when you are up OK.

At 7:32 AM – I wrote:


On Wednesday February 2, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Kurun said that she was sent to G along with 7000 other jinns two nights ago.  Alhamdulillah jinn Kurun took all the one came with him out of Gs body and took them to Mecca.

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Sabrina was shaking her head when I said assalamualaikum so I said Hi, Hallo, then jinn Sabrina replied.  Jinn Sabrina is 87 years old jinn and her husband had passed away.  Jinn Sabrina said she was sent to I five years ago.  Alhamdulillah she accept Islam, recite syahada then left I’s body.

On Friday February 4, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Tusan said he was sent to G three days ago along with other 15 other jinns to make G gets sick again also for her to lost her job أستغفر الله.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Tusan recited syahada, jinn Tusan along with other jinns that were sent three days ago left G’s body.

During the ruqyah session on I, jinn Kasrah said she was sent to I five years ago.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Kasrah recited syahada, she left I’s body along with a few other jinns.

On Friday February 4, 2022 – 15th time ruqyah done on I and G

During ruqyah session on I, jinn James said that he was sent to I two years ago.  Alhamdulillah after jinn James converted to Islam and recited syahada, he left I’s body along with a few other jinns.

During ruqyah session on G, the jinn said that she was the Queen from Cayman island in Caribbean, Queen Nargas سبحان الله.  While in the middle of the session, there was another jinn came out and talked to me, his name was jinn Adam.  I don’t know why but jinn Adam told me that Queen Nargas was really queen from Cayman island.  Hemmm very interesting.  After queen Nargas recited syahada, she left G’s body.

On Saturday February 5, 2022 – ruqyah on I and G was done using G’s mother I as the mediator.

During ruqyah session on G, jinn Asrah first reluctant to do syahada, then after the first syahada, he said his color was purple, so I told him to recite syahada again and after the second time, his color was gray, then finally after I lectured about the hell fire etc., he did recite syahda for the third time and said he was white.  Then I told jinn Asrah to destroy the black magic the one in G’s body and in G’s house and to throw it in the ocean after destroying the black magic.  Very interesting session, while jinn Asrah was destroying the black magic, then jinn Asrah said that his vision was blocked, some one blocked his vision, so I told jinn Asrah to say “Allah Akbar” a few times and to make doa’ for Allah to remove the thing that blocking his vision.  Alhamdulillah he continued destroying the black magic then again, when he was going to throw the black magic in the ocean, he said his vision was also blacked again so I told him to say takbir again a few times and make doa’ for Allah too.  Jinn Asrah said he was sent to G seven years ago.  After jinn Asrah threw the black magic in the ocean, I told him to make doa’ for Allah to punish the sender so that the sender can stop doing black magic on G and her mother I, then I told him to convince other jinns to leave G’s body and to take them to Mecca.

During ruqyah session on I, jinn Susan said she was sent to I ten years ago.  Alhamdulillah after jinn Susan recited syahada, she left I’s body along with a few other jinns.








Posted on December 11, 2021 at 2:38 am

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