Q & A 433 – KH in Madera

اسلام عليكم تانتي هانم

معي ابني تعبان وسمعت عنكي انك تعملي خير وترقي للامراض. ممكن تعملي خير وترقي فوق ابني؟

شكرا Submitted on Friday January 27, 2023 at 6:06 PM

On Saturday January 28, 2023 at 10:39 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Waalaikumussalam InsyaAllah.  Your phone # start with 559 are you in Fresno?  What is your name?

KH wrote:
“I  in Madera near Fresno.  My name is KH”
ruqyah.net called KH and spoke with him to schedule the first session which is scheduled for Sunday morning around 8 PM.  KH told me that in 2014, his lost his vision for no reason after having the imam recited Al-Qur’an on him, his vision gradually resumed and it is OK now.  But his 9 years old son whom KH needs help on.  I asked him that where he gets my number from or who told him about me, he said that from someone in San Francisco.  So I told him that there were a few Yamani guys whom I did ruqyah on recently and they live in San Franciso.  I told him it does not matter I just curious wanted to know.  He was told to contact me to do ruqyah on his son but I told him we can do both at the same time, have his son and himself to take wudu, have a plastic bag handy incase his son and or himself would throwing up during the session.  Also told him to have a plastic bag.
On Sunday January 29, 2023 at 7:42 AM -KH wrote:
Aslam Alikum, my son and I are ready.  Thank you
ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok give me about 20 minutes I just dropped off y daughter in law to work I am on my way home now will text you.
KH wrote:
ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok I will video call WhatsApp from my 209 #.
KH wrote:
On Sunday January 29, 2023 at 8:20 AM – First session was done on Kh and his son N
Durig the session, I did notice something on them but I was not sure because the reactions were not too obvious.  I noticed his son, N’s eyes blink often and look different on his forehead and in the middle of the session, KH reposition his seating position by leaning against the wall so that made me think there must be something on him too.  After both KH and his son N recited the syahada and takbir, no jinn came out.  Even after I made doa’ if the jinn is the shape of like animal, for Allah to change and if the jinn was deaf and or was tight up for Allah to make it easy for the jinn to be able to talk but still unable too.  So not sure if the jinn is stubborn or afraid to talk to me which some time it’s was the case.
After I finished reciting, I first talked to KH’s son N to find out if he felt anything while I was reciting, was there any numbness or sensation in any part of his body, shaking, tingling, or the sense of something talking in his brain but he said he did not feel anything but then KH told me that his wife who was sitting in front of N notice the shaking of N’s feet and hands, also the mother noticed his face was changed.  So I told them that because the session was done in video call, I did notice about his eyes and forehead but since I couldn’t see his feet and hands, so I did not know.  But glad that N’s mother was observing too.  Shaking is part of the indications that there is jinn inside.  So we need to reschedule follow up session.  KH told me that he felt something unusual on his feet his legs from knee down and that was his reason to move his sitting position to against the wall.  I told them both to pay attention to their bodies and how they sleep tonight, insyaAllah Allah will cure them from all kind of unpleasant feeling or anything else.  We did schedule for the following session on Tuesday morning after fajar prayer InsyaAllah.
KH wrote:

“Right after your done reading, his blood sugar went up. Before we started to recite it was 198 and after 307”

ruqyah.net wrote:

لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله 

Ok I will send you the link from my blog and turn it on for him to listen it’s good for you too.

If you or your wife notices shaking or anything else, try to talk to it & tell the jinn nicely to leave, you forgive what they have done yo your son but now tell them yo leave.


On Tuesday January 31, 2023 at 6:20 AM – Second session was done on Kh and his son N
On Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 6:30 AM – First session on N using mediator D 
D is my current patient who is very sensitive so I took the opportunity to help the nine years old N by using D as the mediator (Exorcism 89 – D in Modesto).  I have been cleaning D and her husband in the past year but the problem is their problem have been re-occurring so I just have to keep on doing it.  I asked D that I do have a patient who live in Madera and she does not mind helping me to clean N so we did.
I did not tell D anything about N, but subhanallah shortly after I recited by showing N’s picture, D got possessed so one of the jinn that was in N went to the mediator D.  The jinn’s name Husein, he was from the village, went in N body when N was still in his mother’s womb.  According to jinn Husein, the jinn was sent to his mother but his mother is a pious person and strong, the jinn was not able to enter his mom, so the jinn entered the baby’s body while the baby was still in the mother’s stomach.  After jinn Husein recited syahada, I told jinn Husein to convince other jinn to leave N’s body, to go to Mecca.  Alhamdulillah there were a few jinns left N’s body.
According to N’s father KH, his wife came to America from Yaman when she was pregnant so N was born in the U.S., and N was sick since he was a baby with all kind of sicknesses and very high diabetes but according to his doctor nothing wrong with the baby, and the doctor told KH that have been practicing as a doctor but never seen problem as what N and KH are having.  Both KH and N blood sugar level very high with no reason, there is no history in the family with diabetes etc. and in 2014 KH’s eyes were practically like blind but no doctor can tell what the cause of it.  According to KH, someone had suggested him to find some one or imam to help him and according to KH, after the imam recited verses of Qur’an on him several times, his vision gradually improved and better.  Then there was someone in San Francisco who recommended him to contact me for his son N.
On Thursday February 2, 2023 at 6:10 AM – Third session was done on Kh and his son N
On Monday February 6, 2023 at 6:10 AM –  4th session was done on Kh and his son N

On Wednesday February 8, 2023 at 6:30 AM – Second session on N using mediator D 

On Friday February 10, 2023 at 6:30 AM – Third session on N using mediator D 

On Monday February 13, 2023 at 6:30 AM – 4th session on N using mediator D 

On Thursday February 16, 2023 at 6:30 AM – 5th session on N using mediator D 


Posted on January 29, 2023 at 7:22 pm

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