Q & A 76 – From T in Lodi, California

"Salam I am t and sheik Khalid  gave me ur number"  Submitted on Sunday September 22, 2013, 4:12 PM

Ruqyah.net wrote:  I tried calling you ...

T wrote (at 7:01 PM):  "Yes sorry I am at work I'm off at 8 sister"

Ruqyah.net:  Ok

On the evening of September 22, 2013, 8:49 PM - Phone conversation with T:

T converted to Islam when she was 14, married, no children and divorced a year ago.
Something seems distructing her when she read Qur'an and pray.  She feels so weak each
time after pray.  This has been happening in the past few years, on and off, but it has
gotten worse after last Ramadan. When she went to Yaman, one sheik told her that there
was sihr sent to her etc... I told her that I would talk it over with my husband and see
if we can help her by doing ruqyah in her house in Lodi.

T wrote (on Sept 23, 2013 at 9:25 AM):  "Salam sister can I have your website"

Ruqyah.net wrote:  Sorry I forgot here it is ruqyah.net click the prayer then click "verses of 
Quran" let it for a few minutes its a big file so is not on right away put it high 
volume. Take a wudu sit down just listen to it 

T wrote (at 9:45 AM):  "Thank u sister.  Is this OK to do if I'm on period."

Ruqyah.net wrote (at 10:27 AM):  No problem just listening not touching the Qur'an directly 
using your bare hands so its ok

T wrote:  "
OK thanks :)"

On September 25, 2013, 10:07 AM - T wrote:

"Salam alayckum sister good morning  I did listening to the verses   last night and 
tingling in my body happen I got hot and fell a sleep woke up with head ache at 3 am so
I turn back on fell asleep again I had pressure in my nose and forehead during... 
this morning head ache has continue... what does this mean"

On September 25, 2013, 6:15 PM - ruqyah.net wrote:

It mens something in your body but don't worry will ask my husband if I can help you soon 
ok. I found out I have to work this coming Tuesday so will arrange the time for you ok 
what days is your days off other than Tuesday? Wassalam
In the mean time keep on listening to it ok.

T wrote:

"it doesn't irritated me to listen to  it just makes me sleepy but today at work bad pain 
in my stomach  at 2:50pm then I threw up I felt hot all day Tuesdays are my only days off
I could call off a day and travel to San Francisco any day u r free I have no one here 
in Lodi to be there during the reading

On October 11, 2013, 7:37 PM - ruqyah.net wrote:

Assalamualaikum, I tried calling you twice to find out if you are free tomorrow night insyaAllah
I can go to your house with my husband & one of my students to do the ruqyah. Let me know OK wassalam.

On October 11, 2013, 9:37 PM - T wrote:

"Salam sister I've been working over time shifts I'm still @ work sorry missed ur calls.  
Tomorrow I also have work."

On October 15, 2013, 8:38 AM - ruqyah.net wrote:

Eid Mubarak

On October 15, 2013, 1:12 PM - T wrote:

"Eid s3eed kol 3m w entom b alf khair inshallah."

On Wed, 23 Jan 2014 01:07 PM - T wrote:

"Salam sister this is T from lodi we talked months ago and I need to do reading soon 
Last night
1-21-2014 was my only experience of this kind. 
I was sitting watching YouTube Islamic videos 
and this adu raqya video of him perching on illnesses and black magic came up I watched it from
there it lead me to his website and watched one video of him talking to and taking out jinni from
this man nicely speaking he was doing so and even brought one to Islam. Nothing happened during 
that video I wasn't scared nothing then I Clicked the next video of a little boy and his mum was
crying While Abu raqya was screaming and reading Quran at that jin with forceful voice to get out
of the young boy ...I started crying and my eyes shaking & twitching intel passed out When the video
stoped I woke up .I got up went took shower did wudu and played a audio for help from black magic 
and Jin from Abu ruqya , While listening the audio I was on the pray rug performing rakhat and dua 
.. I started screaming and crying ya rub I believe ya rub
forgive me. Saying lailahaillallah muhammad
rasul Allah 
It was as if I wasn't in my body my heart is where I felt I was. I finished two rakaht
and Had to lay down my body shaking and I'm crying in my heart I said ya rub heal me and take these
Jin and magic from me my head went right side twice and my eyes seen black both times and I slept
shortly intel 12am I turned on the audio again this time My stomach was breathing hard pumping and
I fell my uterus moving in circles and something said in my head "You are not strong enough" I just
listened to the audio intel it ended and slept intel Fajr duringprayer I was so dizzy and lower back
was in so much pain. I believe in Allah and his healinpower." 

On Wednesday January 23, 2014, 4:13 PM - ruqyah.net wrote:

The reactions you were experiencing most likely jinn in your body which need to get it out. We may
be able to go to Lodi to see you on Tuesday next week if you are off. In the afternoon we can leave 
S.F. Around 2:30 or 3. I advise you to refrain  from listening to any Ruqyah until I see because 
I don't want you possessed while you are alone. Let me know if you are available Tuesday afternoon
after 4 PM. Wassalam

On Wednesday January 23, 2014, 4:20 PM - T wrote:

 "Thank you that will befine I will make donation and also pay for the gas" 

On Wednesday January 23, 2014, 4:40 PM - ruqyah.net wrote:

I will go with my husband and one if my student insyaAllah. Please txt me your home address. Wassalam

Alhamdulillah On Tuesday January 28, 2014 finally we went to see the lady in Lodi.  
According to her, each time we were talking to arrange for the ruqyah, she always felt kind of posphoning
meeting me and she was not sure why.  And according to her, in the past few days after we finally agreed
with the date we were going to see her, she felt so uncorvertible and all weird feeling even did not
feel talking to some one else at work. According to her, yesterday she was about calling me to cancell
but then she forced it not to listen to what was telling her in her head.  Then all day since she got up 
in the morning until I arrived in her house, she felt uneasy and was hoping that I didn't come.  So I told 
her that what she was feeling is normal because it was also happened to my other patience who felt agitated
before I arrived in her house especially the ten minutes prior my arrival.  Subhanallah
 Alhamdulillah, eleven jinns left her body in three hours.  Compares to my other patience so far I felt that helping T was  easy because right after I started reciting (the doa’ and Alfatihah) I would think it was approximately a few minutes, T started shaking then when I continued reciting the first ten ayat of sura Al-Baqarah, T scream very loud.  We (my husband, my student and I) were looking at each other worried that the neighbor would call the police then my student yelled at T and told her to stop then the screaming stop.  Alhamdulillah I started to communite with the jinn one by one to convince them to leave T’s body.  There are few muslim jinn, two Jewish jinns from Jerussalam, christian jinns and one atheis.  Some so stuborn did not want to leave but after we showed them the hell fire and that if he continued in T’s body, Allah swt will put him in a hell fire – we made a doa’ asking Allah swt to show the jin the hell fire then all the eleven jinns (one by one) said “OK”  “OK”  “OK” we then recited ayat to show the jinn the Nur of Allah swt then the jinns said “OK” “OK”  “OK” so we asked what they meant OK and their respied were OK they would convert to Islam.  I then recite shahadat for the jinn to repeat after me.  I recited the shahadat three times then recited “Allahu Akbar” three times and all the eleven converts then left T’s body.  
* One of them was a little bit more difficult then the rest because its a jinn lover
* The two Jewish jinns when we recited Shahadat, she covered her ears did not want to hear it – Subhanallah
* There were sihr in her and some jinn came alone.
I know we are not suppose to believe or listen to what the jinn told us but here are some of what they said:
* The jinn who made her divorced her husband
* There were sihr in her uterus causing of two miscarriages
Before the jinn left, we told the jinn to look for any sihr in her body and told the jinn to distroy the sihr first. I handed the spray bottle for T to hold then I told the jinn to look at where the black magic in T’s body and to destroy them.  While the jinn was spraying her stomach, her mouth, and part of her body, hands and back of her body, I kept on telling the jinn to look through it and not to leave any sihr (black magic) left in T’s body.  Alhamdulillah.
We recorded the entire session using her i-Pod the entire three hours so she has the video.  And when she resumed consciousness she said she thought it was only thirty minutes when I told her that Alhamdulillah it took us only three hours and eleven jinns left her body.  We then went home.   That was my first time I met T but my feeling was so connected with her and I like her a lot so on my way back driving to go home I felt so good I was able helping her and Allah swt made all the eleven jinns left T’s body easy.   It was  already late night (8:30 PM) and it would take at least two hours if its not traffic so I stopped by at starbuck and bought a cup of coffee.   
On Friday January 31st I talked to T on the phone.  T had watch the video but not the entire three hours yet.  T said she could not understand why people would do sihr (black magic) onto her especially the people whom she feelt that her own family whom she love very much.  She also said that she would like to do ruqyah at least one more time to make sure there is no jinn left inside her.  I told her that I am not going to be available in the next few weeks so InsyaAllah I will call her as soon as I have time again for her. 
On Monday February 10, 2014 at 2:11 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
How are you T? Alhamdulillah My patience from New Jersey has went back & I 
think I am free tomorrow night? If My Husband does not have plan & if you are free we may 
be able to visit you again let me know OK? Wassalam 

On Wednesday February 12, 2014 at 9:30 AM - T wrote:
"Salam habibity sorry I was out of town for few days Inshallah I'll let u know if I 
am free this coming Tuesday Inshallah" 

Reply of ruqyah.net: 

Sound good just let us know insyaAllah.  Wassalam

On Wednesday February 19, 2014 at 9:30 AM - T wrote:

"Salam good morning :) I have been extremely busy preparing to move to Virginia I got 
engaged wa InShAallah marriage will be march 11th I would like to have more readings done
before leaving California"  

On Wednesday February 19, 2014 - ruqyah.net wrote:

MasyaAllah I am very happy for you yes my recommendation also to have it done one more 
time.  InsyaAllah my husband and I are going for umroh leaving on March 19th and back on 
April 9th.  Just let me know when you have free time ok. Thank you for letting me know.  

Posted on September 23, 2013 at 7:51 pm

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